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blog post

New Progress in California Water Rights Reform

By Sarah Bardeen

Many have argued that California’s water rights laws are sorely in need of modernization. Is recent legislation taking a step in that direction? We spoke with two legal experts to find out.

blog post

Testimony: Adapting California’s Water Rights System to the 21st-Century Climate

By Ellen Hanak, Brian Gray, Jeffrey Mount

PPIC Water Policy Center director Ellen Hanak and senior fellows Brian Gray and Jeffrey Mount testified before the Assembly Water, Parks, and Wildlife Committee Informational Hearing, “How Should California’s Water Right System Adapt to a 21st Century Climate?” today. Read their prepared remarks.


Police Use of Force and Misconduct in California

By Deepak Premkumar, Alexandria Gumbs, Shannon McConville, Renee Hsia

Nearly 200 Californians die each year in police encounters. Amid growing concern over civilian deaths and racial injustice, we examine what the existing data can—and cannot—tell us about police use of force and misconduct. We also offer recommendations for strengthening the state’s ongoing efforts to improve police transparency and accountability.


A Conversation with Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon

Join us as Anthony Rendon, speaker of the California State Assembly, talks with PPIC’s Mark Baldassare about some of the key challenges and opportunities facing California and how state policymakers can work to address them.

Statewide Survey

PPIC Statewide Survey: Californians and Their Government

By Mark Baldassare, Dean Bonner, Lauren Mora, Deja Thomas

PPIC's latest survey finds that almost nine in ten Californians believe there is a mental health crisis in the US. Also, most Californians are now less comfortable making a major purchase like a home or a car compared to six months ago.

blog post

Californians’ Racial Attitudes and the Reparations Task Force

By Mark Baldassare

The state's Reparations Task Force recently issued recommendations for how California might compensate and apologize for slavery and its lasting effects on African Americans. What do Californians think about racism, race relations, and this task force?

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