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A Water Budget for the Environment

By Jeffrey Mount

California’s freshwater ecosystems are in decline and becoming increasingly vulnerable to drought. Allocating water budgets for the environment would help.


A New Approach to Accounting for Environmental Water: Insights from the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta

By Greg Gartrell, Jeffrey Mount, Ellen Hanak, Brian Gray

How water is apportioned to California’s cities, farms, and the environment can lead to conflict and competition in times of drought. Allocation of water to the environment in particular is poorly accounted for and poorly understood—shortcomings that can affect water policy, decision making, and public perception. This report reviews the state’s long-standing methods for defining and accounting for environmental water and proposes reforms to improve the timeliness, transparency, and detail in the accounting of environmental water allocation.


Costs of Ecosystem Management Actions for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta

By Josué Medellín-Azuara, John Durand, William Fleenor, Ellen Hanak ...

California is at a critical juncture on policy for the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta. This report summarizes the results of a wide-ranging study of cost-effective ways to improve the health of the Delta ecosystem. It highlights the need for science-based, integrated management of the many sources of ecosystem stress. The report also recommends improvements to the highly fragmented system of oversight that now involves dozens of federal, state, and local agencies.

This research was supported with funding from the S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation.

Several companion reports contain related findings:

Aquatic Ecosystem Stressors in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta (Mount et al. 2012) summarizes the science of Delta ecosystem stressors for a policymaking audience.

Integrated Management of Delta Stressors: Institutional and Legal Options (Gray et al. 2013) lays out proposals for institutional reform of science, management, and regulation.

Scientist and Stakeholder Views on the Delta Ecosystem (Hanak et al. 2013) presents detailed results of the two surveys conducted by the report’s authors.

Stress Relief: Prescriptions for a Healthier Delta Ecosystem (Hanak et al. 2013) summarizes the overall research project and the recommendations it generated.

Where the Wild Things Aren’t: Making the Delta a Better Place for Native Species (Moyle et al. 2012) outlines a realistic long-term vision for achieving a healthier ecosystem.


Advancing Ecosystem Restoration with Smarter Permitting

California’s ecosystems are vital to the state’s water supply, agriculture, wildlife, and economy. Yet many of these ecosystems are in dire health, and climate change and accelerating biodiversity loss threaten to to further disrupt them. Large-scale ecosystem restoration is urgently needed; embracing smarter permitting can help.

blog post

What It Means to Store Water for the Environment

By Sarah Bardeen

In times of drought, California’s ecosystems often suffer. CalTrout Ecosystem Fellow Sarah Null is investigating how to better manage scarce water supplies so that the state can protect vulnerable ecosystems—even as the climate changes.


Advancing Ecosystem Restoration with Smarter Permitting

By Letitia Grenier, Stephanie Panlasigui, Crissy Pickett, Gokce Sencan

California’s ecosystems are vital to the state’s economy and wellbeing, yet they’re in dire health. Large-scale restoration is needed, and implementing smarter permitting can help.


Storing Water for the Environment

By Sarah Null, Jeffrey Mount, Brian Gray, Kristen Dybala ...

Large reservoirs are essential for managing water in California’s highly variable climate—but over the years, the construction and operation of these reservoirs have had significant environmental costs. Our new research outlines how reservoir operations could be changed to improve the health of the state’s fragile freshwater ecosystems.


Scientist and Stakeholder Views on the Delta Ecosystem

By Ellen Hanak, Jay Lund, Jeffrey Mount, Peter Moyle ...

There is broad scientific recognition that a wide range of ecosystem stressors are responsible for the declines in native fish populations in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta. But science and policymaking have been at odds about the roles of different stressors and the potential of various management actions to improve ecosystem health. In the summer of 2012, PPIC conducted two confidential surveys on the impact of ecosystem stressors: one sought input from scientific experts and the other focused on stakeholders and policymakers. This report analyzes the results and examines the implications of both surveys.

This research was supported with funding from the S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation.

Several companion reports contain related findings:

Aquatic Ecosystem Stressors in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta (Mount et al. 2012) summarizes the science of Delta ecosystem stressors for a policymaking audience.

Costs of Ecosystem Management Actions for the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta (Medellín-Azuara et al. 2013) assesses costs of water management actions.

Integrated Management of Delta Stressors: Institutional and Legal Options (Gray et al. 2013) lays out proposals for institutional reform of science, management, and regulation.

Stress Relief: Prescriptions for a Healthier Delta Ecosystem (Hanak et al. 2013) summarizes the overall research project and the recommendations it generated.

Where the Wild Things Aren’t: Making the Delta a Better Place for Native Species (Moyle et al. 2012) outlines a realistic long-term vision for achieving a healthier ecosystem.

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