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Fact Sheet

Sea Level Rise in California

By Letitia Grenier, Gokce Sencan

Sea levels are rising, and Californians are already feeling the impact. Adaptation will require new forms of collaboration and coordination—as well as working with nature—to find solutions.

blog post

High and Rising: Flood Risk in California Grows

By Jeffrey Mount, Daniel Swain

As the climate warms, California storms are getting more intense—adding to the state’s already high flood risk. Developing a better understanding of current and future flood vulnerability is essential to managing this risk.

blog post

The High Cost of Fixing Levees

By Jeffrey Mount

The state’s levees are in poor shape. Upgrading them to avoid damaging floods will be very costly and will involve difficult trade-offs.

Fact Sheet

California’s Water Grid

By Alvar Escriva-Bou, Ellen Hanak, Jeffrey Mount

The statewide network of storage and conveyance facilities provides multiple services, which are sometimes in conflict. Climate change brings new challenges.


Stewarding California’s Wet Years

California has made great strides in preparing for a drier, hotter future, but it remains a challenge to harness the bounty of wet years while also reducing flood risk. How did California’s water sector manage the unusually wet conditions of the 2023 water year—and what lessons can we glean for the future? We speak with three panels of experts to find out.

blog post

The Promise of a Wet January

By Jeffrey Mount

California is in an impressive—and much-needed—wet period. But the current parade of atmospheric rivers also highlights how difficult it is to capture and store water during times of great abundance. Can we do better?

blog post

Renewing California’s Groundwater: Ready, Set, Recharge!

By Caitlin Peterson, Sarah Bardeen

California’s wet winter has been a boon for the parched state, and farmers and water managers have been scrambling to funnel some of that abundance into the ground. But how is recharge going—and what could be improved? We get on-the-ground insights from Daniel Mountjoy of Sustainable Conservation and Aaron Fukuda of the Tulare Irrigation District.

blog post

A New Tool Could Help Protect 30% of the State’s Waters by 2030

By Sarah Bardeen

California has set an ambitious goal of protecting 30% of the state’s lands and waters by 2030. We spoke with CalTrout’s legal and policy director Redgie Collins about a promising but underutilized tool that could help protect water bodies throughout the state: The Outstanding Natural Resource Waters designation.

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