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Commentary: Californians Need to Do More to Prepare for Wet Years

By Letitia Grenier, Ellen Hanak

Climate change is supercharging the extremes of drought and flood in California. But our infrastructure and institutions remain woefully underprepared for rising flood risk and increasingly erratic rainfall. It’s time to take this threat—and this opportunity—seriously and accelerate preparations.

blog post

A New Reality for Federal Flood Insurance

By Lori Pottinger

Flood damages have been rising, pushing the federal flood insurance program into unsustainable debt. We talked to expert Carolyn Kousky about changes coming to the program.


Delta Island Flooding (With Repairs)

This animation depicts how the Delta may change over time as a result of levee failures from earthquakes and floods. Islands that lie below sea level will flood after levee failures (becoming blue). Islands with sufficiently high land and asset values are repaired each time they are flooded (becoming white again). Other islands remain flooded.

blog post

Video: Making the Most of a Wet Year

By Sarah Bardeen

Last week, we hosted an expert panel to discuss how we’re handling the sudden deluge of precipitation after years of drought. While the rain and snow has helped transform what was a grim water supply situation, it’s clear that we need to do a better job of preparing for floods—and storing some of that excess water for the dry times that will return.


Managing California’s Water: From Conflict to Reconciliation

By Ellen Hanak, Jay Lund, Jeffrey Mount, Richard Howitt ...

California has struggled to manage its water effectively for more than 30 years. Today, the state needs to consider a set of wide-ranging reforms—for the benefit of the economy and the environment.

Executive Summary

Full Report [PDF, 9.06 MB]

To view individual chapters, click on the links below.


Floods, Droughts, and Lawsuits: A Brief History of California Water Policy

California Water Today

Drivers of Change

Urgent and Fundamental Challenges

Reconciling Ecosystems: Reversing Declines in Native Species

Orchestrating the Management of Water Scarcity, Quality, and Flooding

Managing Water as a Public Commodity

Effective and Adaptive Governance

Pathways to Reform

A Way Forward

Technical Appendix: Managing California’s Water: Insights from Interviews with Water Policy Experts

This research was supported with funding from S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation, The David and Lucile Packard Foundation, Pisces Foundation, Resources Legacy Fund, and Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority.

blog post

The Mad Dash to Save Dairy Cattle as Tulare Basin Flooded

By Caitlin Peterson, Sarah Bardeen

When low-elevation snow melted during a warm storm in March, the resulting flood in the Tulare Lake basin put 100,000 cattle and over a dozen dairy farms at risk. This week, Western United Dairies CEO Anja Raudabaugh gives us a gripping account of what happened as the lake began to refill.

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