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blog post

New Law Raises Standards for Police Officers

By Shannon McConville, Deepak Premkumar

A new state law raises the minimum age for law enforcement—from 18 to 21—and requires California’s community college system to create a new policing degree program. How might these changes affect the law enforcement workforce?


Higher Education and Economic Opportunity in California

By Hans Johnson, Marisol Cuellar Mejia

The pandemic and its economic impact have highlighted longstanding social inequities: low-income and less-educated workers are bearing the brunt of both the virus and the downturn. Now more than ever, policymakers and higher education leaders must find avenues for low income and underrepresented students to access the benefits of a college degree.

blog post

Highly Educated Workers See Strong Job Gains

By Hans Johnson

The recovery from the Great Recession highlights the importance of California’s higher education systems in providing meaningful economic opportunities for workers.

blog post

Testimony: Closing California’s Degree Gap

By Hans Johnson

The most promising approach to closing the workforce skills gap is to concentrate on improving the educational attainment of California residents.

Fact Sheet

California’s Higher Education System

By Kevin Cook

The nation’s largest public system of higher learning is in California. Nearly 80% of state students attend a public institution, with over half enrolling in community college—making transfer into a four-year college a key path to a bachelor’s degree. Funds to support higher education and financial aid account for about 7% of the state’s budget.

blog post

A College Degree in Three Years?

By Patrick Murphy, Kevin Cook

The University of California has promised to develop three-year degree programs on each campus and enroll 5 percent of UC students by the summer of 2017. Reaching this goal will require overcoming significant obstacles.


Higher Education in California: Increasing Equity and Diversity

By Hans Johnson, Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Olga Rodriguez

A solid majority of California’s future college-age population will come from demographic groups that have been historically underrepresented in higher education—including Latinos, African Americans, and those who are low income or the first in their families to go to college.


Strengthening California’s Transfer Pathway

By Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Hans Johnson, Cesar Alesi Perez, Jacob Jackson

Increasing the number of California community college students who transfer to four-year institutions is critical for creating a more diverse pool of college graduates. Despite recent progress, transfer rates remain low and racial disparities persist. Several reforms are already underway, and higher education institutions must continue to work together so more students can reach their academic goals.

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