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Examining the Reach of Targeted School Funding

Under California’s ten-year-old funding formula, districts with higher shares of high-need students receive added dollars on top of base funding. Join PPIC research fellow Julien Lafortune for a presentation on a new report that looks at how these added dollars impact student outcomes, how districts spend these funds, and whether dollars are fully directed to the students and schools that generate them.

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California K–12 Enrollment Declines Continue to Exceed Expectations

By Julien Lafortune, Emmanuel Prunty

K–12 public school enrollment statewide has fallen for five straight years, with a decrease of more than 270,000 students over the past two years alone. Examining the variation across regions provides insights into this enrollment decline.

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Video: Californians’ Views of K–12 Education

By Linda Strean

Most Californians say state funding for their local public schools is inadequate, and most favor ballot proposals likely to increase it, according to PPIC’s 12th annual survey on Californians and education.


K–12 Reforms and California’s English Learner Achievement Gap

By Laura Hill

English Learner (EL) students have been a key part of California’s K–12 system for decades. They currently make up about 21 percent of the public school population. English Learner status is meant to be temporary, and indeed, reclassified English Learners (those who are deemed English proficient) are among the best-performing students in the state. But students who remain ELs for longer periods generally have poor outcomes.

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Good Budget News for Higher Education

By Kevin Cook

Governor Brown's final budget includes just over a billion dollars in new funding for California's higher education systems.

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Video: Funding Education in California

By Stephanie Barton

Ten years ago, California implemented the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) in an effort to improve student outcomes and increase equity. PPIC president and CEO Tani Cantil-Sakauye and a panel of experts—Chief Deputy Cabinet Secretary Ben Chida, Assemblymember Josh Hoover, and State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond—discuss what LCFF has meant for K–12 education and talk about key issues moving forward.

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