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blog post

Immigrants and Health Insurance

By Shannon McConville

California has seen large declines in the uninsured rate among noncitizens—a group that includes an estimated 2.6 million people who legally reside in the state, as well as 2.7 million undocumented immigrants.

Policy Brief

Policy Brief: The Impact of Health Insurance on Poverty in California

By Caroline Danielson, Patricia Malagon, Shannon McConville, Mary Severance

The Affordable Care Act has helped millions of Californians gain health insurance over the past decade. In addition to improving access to care, the ACA has enhanced financial well-being. This work focuses on the significant contribution of publicly funded health coverage—particularly Medi-Cal—to family resources across the state.


Health Care for California’s Jail Population

By Shannon McConville, Mia Bird

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has created a new opportunity for California to reach and enroll a medically vulnerable population—the jail population—in health insurance coverage. While inmates receive health care services from county jail systems while incarcerated, few have coverage after they are released from custody. Expansion of the state’s Medicaid program (Medi-Cal) under the ACA has extended insurance eligibility to much of the currently uninsured jail population. As a complement to the ACA, California recently signed into law Assembly Bill 720 (AB 720), which facilitates the use of jails as sites of health insurance enrollment. Increasing enrollment levels for the jail population holds the potential to reduce corrections costs, as well as improve public health and safety.

Statewide Survey

Facing Facts: Public Attitudes and Fiscal Realities in Five Stressed States

A survey in five of the nation’s most fiscally stressed states reveals a disconnect between what the public wants from state government and budget realities. Residents in Arizona, California, Florida, Illinois, and New York believe their states could spend less without cutting services. They want to protect K-12 education and Medicaid funding—by far the biggest portions of state budgets. They prefer charging someone else— wealthy corporations, smokers, drinkers, and gamblers—to ensure essential government services. But even these increases would likely be insufficient to close severe budget gaps.

This survey was co-published by the Pew Center on the States and Public Policy Institute of California. Any text or graphics taken from the multistate survey should jointly credit the Pew Center on the States and Public Policy Institute of California, 2010.

blog post

Health Care Access for California’s Immigrants

By Paulette Cha, Mary Severance

Governor Newsom wants to extend Medi-Cal access to low-income young adults up to age 26 regardless of immigration status, a proposal with strong public support.

blog post

Emergency Departments and the Affordable Care Act

By Shannon McConville

Frequent visits to the emergency department can mean patients have few medical care options. Under the ACA, frequent emergency department use fell for Medi-Cal patients.

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