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blog post

Commentary: Competing Narratives on Delta Outflow Fuel Water Conflict

By Jeffrey Mount, Greg Gartrell

The federal government’s efforts to increase water supplied to farms and cities, and a breakdown in cooperation between the state and federal government, have escalated conflict over the Delta. What are they really fighting over?

blog post

Managing a Non-Native Delta Ecosystem

By Lori Pottinger

The Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta has more non-native species than native ones, and its estuary is the most invaded in the world. We talked to scientist Jim Cloern about this challenge.

blog post

From Litigation to Collaboration on the San Joaquin River

By Molly Peterson, Sarah Bardeen

The San Joaquin Valley is one of the most productive agricultural regions in the world, and much of its success comes from the waters of the San Joaquin River. Today, the challenge is how to undo some of the damage done to the river’s ecosystems—and how to reconnect the river to its many communities.

blog post

Commentary: Four Strategies for Managing California’s Crucial Watershed

By Ellen Hanak, Greg Gartrell

California is not doing a good job of tracking changes to the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta and its watershed. In our recent commentary, we argue that’s making it even tougher to manage the water that is available for the benefit of the state’s communities, economy, and environment.

Fact Sheet

Water Use in California’s Environment

By Jeffrey Mount, Caitlin Peterson, Gokce Sencan

What exactly is “environmental water,” and how much water does California’s environment actually use? This explainer sticks to the facts—and dispels a few myths in the process.

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