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California’s Missing Voters: Who Is Not Voting and Why

By Eric McGhee

Despite an uptick in voter registration and turnout for last year’s election, California’s long-term trends in voter participation are disappointing. Mobilizing key groups—especially Latinos, Asian Americans, and young people—will be crucial to ensure future civic engagement in the state.

blog post

Who Is the California Voter?

By Stephanie Barton

A near record-high share of eligible individuals are registered to vote in the Golden State. Likely voters tend to be older, white, affluent, college educated, and homeowners. Nonvoters, on the other hand, are more likely to be younger, Latino, lower income, less educated, and renters.

blog post

California’s Marijuana Majority

By Mark Baldassare

How did a marijuana legalization initiative pass this year after a similar effort failed six years ago? The answers are found in both national and state trends.

Fact Sheet

California Voter and Party Profiles

By Mark Baldassare, Dean Bonner, Lauren Mora, Deja Thomas

Nearly half of California’s registered voters are Democrats, and independent registration has declined over the past few years. Six in ten Republican likely voters are older adults; a majority of Democrats are women; and half of independents are college graduates.


Do Registration Reforms Add New Voters or Keep Californians Registered?

By Eric McGhee, Jennifer Paluch, Mindy Romero

In recent years, new voter registration and voter address updates have surged—due largely to California’s new process for automatic voter registration. But registration reforms have not significantly diversified the electorate, and the state may need to do more to engage newly registered voters.

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