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Improving California’s Water Market

By Andrew Ayres, Ellen Hanak, Brian Gray, Gokce Sencan ...

Water trading and banking will prove important tools to help California bring its groundwater basins into balance under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). A broad range of policy changes could help improve and expand California’s water market while protecting communities from harm.

Policy Brief

Policy Brief: Health Care Access among California’s Farmworkers

By Paulette Cha, Stephanie Barton

California’s farmworkers, who are a key link in the food supply chain, often face barriers to health care—including cost or lack of insurance. Certain expansions to Medi-Cal led to gains in insurance coverage for some farmworkers; other policies, such as the employer mandate in the Affordable Care Act, did not seem to improve coverage.

blog post

New Opportunities for Trading Surface Water in the Sacramento Valley under SGMA

By Alex Ehrens, Joy Collins, Andrew Ayres

Successful groundwater stewardship under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) demands good information—not only about groundwater conditions, but also about surface water availability. We produced a new dataset of how access to this vital resource varies across irrigated farmland in the Sacramento Valley and the Delta, so it’s now possible to assess surface water conditions across the entire Central Valley.

blog post

Regional Trends in Unemployment

By Sarah Bohn, Jenny Duan

While California’s unemployment rate has ticked up over the past year, in some regions unemployment is lower than it was before the pandemic.

Fact Sheet

The Working Poor in California

By Sarah Bohn, Caroline Danielson, Sara Kimberlin, Patricia Malagon

Most poor families in California are working. Poverty rates among working adults are highest in southern, coastal California.

blog post

California’s Labor Force: A Swift Recovery, but What’s Next?

By Sarah Bohn, Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Julien Lafortune

Total employment has recovered more quickly from the COVID-19 recession than from previous downturns. Still, current workforce pressures reflect ongoing challenges that California must address to foster long-term economic mobility and growth.


Making Sense of California’s Economy

By Sarah Bohn, Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Julien Lafortune, Vicki Hsieh

We take a look at where California's economy has been, where it might be headed, and how we can better insulate Californians against future upheavals.


Groundwater and Urban Growth in the San Joaquin Valley

By Andrew Ayres, Ellen Hanak, Henry McCann, David Mitchell ...

As the San Joaquin Valley addresses groundwater overdraft under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), its urban utilities face unique challenges. Learn how to ensure a smooth transition for the region’s residents.

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