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blog post

Video: Are Younger Generations Committing Less Crime?

By Vicki Hsieh

PPIC’s policy director for criminal justice Magnus Lofstrom presents findings from a new report examining whether younger generations of Californians are less criminally active than earlier generations and discusses the broader implications of these trends.

blog post

California’s Violent Crime Rate Is Diverging from the National Trend

By Magnus Lofstrom

In the decade preceding the COVID-19 pandemic, California's violent crime rate roughly mirrored the nationwide trend. But as of 2022, California's violent crime rate is nearly one-third higher than the US rate, a divergence driven largely by aggravated assaults.

blog post

How Much Do California Cities Spend on Policing?

By Brandon Martin, Alexandria Gumbs

On a per resident basis, cities’ spending on policing ranges from less than $100 to several thousand dollars, with the vast majority spending between $150 and $450.

blog post

Gun Incidents Drive a Climb in Violent Crime Rates

By Magnus Lofstrom, Brandon Martin

Violent crime in California has been ticking up since 2019. And while the overall share of violent crimes involving guns dipped in 2022, it remains above pre-pandemic levels.

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