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blog post

Little Diversity, Wide Wage Gaps: California’s Ten Largest Occupations

By Tess Thorman, Jenny Duan, Sarah Bohn

The ten largest occupations in California account for 20% of full-time workers. We examine the key demographic divides across these occupations—including gender and race/ethnicity--and what they mean for California's labor market.


Making Sense of California’s Economy

By Sarah Bohn, Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Julien Lafortune, Vicki Hsieh

We take a look at where California's economy has been, where it might be headed, and how we can better insulate Californians against future upheavals.

Policy Brief

Policy Brief: California Prison Programs and Reentry Pathways

By Heather Harris, Brandon Martin, Sean Cremin, Stephanie Barton

The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) began expanding education, employment, and rehabilitative programs in 2012, setting a goal to meet the needs of 70 percent of eligible people. Although CDCR greatly expanded capacity, most people released from prisons between 2015 and 2019 had not participated.

blog post

Improving Community College Course Catalogs

By Bonnie Brooks

Community college course catalogs contain crucial information. But they are often not structured in a way to make it accessible to students.

Policy Brief

Policy Brief: California’s Care Workforce

By Shannon McConville, Daniel Payares-Montoya, Sarah Bohn, Mary Severance

Demand for caregiving services is growing as California’s population ages and as the state invests in early childhood care and learning. There are many workforce challenges—including low pay and limited opportunities for advancement. Efforts in several key areas could improve prospects for care workers and help California meet its caregiving needs.


California Prison Programs and Reentry Pathways

By Heather Harris, Brandon Martin, Sean Cremin

In recent years, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) has expanded programs that support community reintegration. But participation has been low. A new report details the rehabilitative needs of people in prison, CDCR efforts to expand programs to meet those needs, and factors that may affect participation.

blog post

Video: California’s Care Workforce

By Mary Severance

PPIC researchers Daniel Payares-Montoya and Shannon McConville discuss a new report on the care workforce—which provides essential services to children, older residents, and people with disabilities—and talk with state policymakers about the challenges of meeting future demand.

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