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Policy Brief

Policy Brief: The Future of Higher Education Enrollment in California

By Hans Johnson, Cesar Alesi Perez, Mary Severance

Higher education has long been a driver of economic mobility and well-being in California. While college enrollment and completion have long trended upward, the state population fell and higher education enrollment declined during the pandemic. How will California’s colleges and universities fare over the next two decades?

blog post

Leveling the Playing Field in College Admissions

By Hans Johnson, Sarah Bohn, Marisol Cuellar Mejia

Although students from low-income families are less likely to enroll in college than students from high-income families, California is faring better than the rest of the US in broadening access to higher education.

blog post

Geography of Community College Transfers in California

By Cesar Alesi Perez, Hans Johnson, Vicki Hsieh

Transfers from community colleges to the University of California and California State University have increased in recent years, though transfer rates vary across community college districts and campuses and across racial/ethnic groups.

blog post

College Enrollment Is Holding Steady among First-time Students at UC and CSU

By Hans Johnson, Jacob Jackson

Many public universities across the US have experienced declining enrollment in recent years. The University of California and California State University systems have largely bucked this trend, though pandemic disruptions and other factors raise questions about the future.

blog post

Video: The Future of Higher Education Enrollment in California

By Mary Severance

PPIC senior fellow Hans Johnson details a new report on the future of enrollment across UC, CSU, community colleges, and private nonprofit colleges and discusses key implications for California's education system and the state's workforce.

blog post

‘Tis the Season for College Applications

By Hans Johnson

Eight of the top 10 most popular colleges and universities in the US are in California—the state's colleges and universities also lead the nation in rejecting applicants.


Achievement Gaps and Graduation Requirements in California’s Schools

About the Program

This event highlights two new reports on K–12 education

Achievement Gaps
California has adopted new K–12 policies designed to close achievement gaps between socioeconomic and demographic groups. What can we learn from the first year of new standardized tests about how high-need students are faring? PPIC researcher Laura Hill will talk about a new report on school- and district-level results for English Learner and low-income students.

This research was supported with funding from the Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund.

Graduation Requirements
College preparatory coursework is now a graduation requirement in many of California’s large urban school districts—including Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, and Oakland. Julian Betts, a PPIC adjunct fellow and a professor of economics at the University of California, San Diego, will outline a new report that examines the benefits and potential pitfalls of this reform.

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