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Video: Rating Realignment

By Linda Strean

Local law enforcement and corrections officials have risen to the challenge of California’s public safety realignment, a panel of local and state officials concluded last week. They also concurred that big challenges remain.

Fact Sheet

California’s Prison Population

By Heather Harris, Sean Cremin

After falling sharply in the first year of the pandemic, California’s prison population is now at a 30-year low. Meanwhile, the average annual cost of imprisoning a person has risen almost 50% since 2019. Most people in California prisons have been convicted of violent crimes; some racial groups are imprisoned at disproportionate rates.

blog post

How California Reduced Its Prison Population

By Magnus Lofstrom, Brandon Martin

The state has reduced its prison population by the court-mandated target, but not—as reform proponents hoped—by a major reduction in costly prison incarceration.


California Prison Programs and Reentry Pathways

By Heather Harris, Brandon Martin, Sean Cremin

In recent years, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) has expanded programs that support community reintegration. But participation has been low. A new report details the rehabilitative needs of people in prison, CDCR efforts to expand programs to meet those needs, and factors that may affect participation.

blog post

Video: Alternatives to Incarceration

By Linda Strean

A panel of state and local corrections officials talk about alternatives to prison and jail that are cost-effective, hold offenders accountable, and don’t harm public safety.


California Prison Programs and Reentry Pathways

In recent years, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) has expanded its rehabilitative programs. But participation has been low. PPIC researcher Heather Harris will present a new report detailing the education, employment, and behavioral needs of people in prison, CDCR efforts to expand programs to meet those needs, and factors that may affect participation.


Health Care for California’s Jail Population

By Shannon McConville, Mia Bird

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has created a new opportunity for California to reach and enroll a medically vulnerable population—the jail population—in health insurance coverage. While inmates receive health care services from county jail systems while incarcerated, few have coverage after they are released from custody. Expansion of the state’s Medicaid program (Medi-Cal) under the ACA has extended insurance eligibility to much of the currently uninsured jail population. As a complement to the ACA, California recently signed into law Assembly Bill 720 (AB 720), which facilitates the use of jails as sites of health insurance enrollment. Increasing enrollment levels for the jail population holds the potential to reduce corrections costs, as well as improve public health and safety.

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