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blog post

How Strong Is the Trump Effect in California?

By Eric McGhee

Democrats are poised to pick up at least three House seats in California, with the areas that voted more Democratic than expected in the last presidential election again voting more Democratic in the midterms.

blog post

Californians’ Racial Attitudes and the Reparations Task Force

By Mark Baldassare

The state's Reparations Task Force recently issued recommendations for how California might compensate and apologize for slavery and its lasting effects on African Americans. What do Californians think about racism, race relations, and this task force?

blog post

Who Is the California Voter?

By Stephanie Barton

A near record-high share of eligible individuals are registered to vote in the Golden State. Likely voters tend to be older, white, affluent, college educated, and homeowners. Nonvoters, on the other hand, are more likely to be younger, Latino, lower income, less educated, and renters.

blog post

What’s Wrong with the Recall?

By Mark Baldassare

An overwhelming majority of California likely voters say it is a good thing that there is a process for recalling elected officials. But more than two-thirds say the current recall is a waste of money, and a similar share say the recall process should be changed.

blog post

Tectonic Shifts in Orange County

By Mark Baldassare

Changing demographics and shifts in voter registration make Orange County—a reliable Republican stronghold until 2016—a wildcard for the 2018 midterm election.

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