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How Has California Narrowed Its K–12 Digital Divide?

By Niu Gao, Joseph Hayes, Darriya Starr

Since the onset of the pandemic, educators and policymakers have made substantial strides in addressing two key barriers to universal digital access—affordability and infrastructure.


California School Districts and the Emergency Connectivity Fund

By Joseph Hayes, Niu Gao

How well did federal pandemic funds improve digital access for historically underserved K–12 students and their families? A new report details how districts worked to close California’s digital divide in education, with suggestions for building momentum now that a key program has ended.


Surveying the Landscape of California’s English Learner Reclassification Policy

By Laura Hill, Andrew Lee, Joseph Hayes

Measuring the progress of English Learners grew more complex after California schools switched to online learning, as some tools to assess students became unavailable. This report shares results from our survey of district policies and offers recommendations for standardizing reclassification criteria.

blog post

Test Scores Show Six-Year Setback for California Students

By Darriya Starr, Emmanuel Prunty, Joseph Herrera, Iwunze Ugo

Recently released standardized test scores show sharp declines in proficiency among the state’s fourth graders—reversing nearly six years of progress. The declines were sharpest among Black, Latino, and low-income students but do not appear to be tied to length of school closures during COVID.

blog post

Private Schooling Played a Small Role in Declining Public School Enrollment

By Emmanuel Prunty, Julien Lafortune

Private schooling in California increased substantially during the pandemic. Still, it accounts for a small share of total K–12 enrollment and is not a major factor in public school declines, which are driven largely by broader demographic shifts.

blog post

Commentary: How Rural Schools Survived the Pandemic

By Niu Gao

Educational disruptions caused by the pandemic presented unique challenges for rural schools in California. Still, some rural districts and schools have made significant strides in bridging the digital divide, addressing teacher shortages, and supporting English learners.

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