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Making Federal Farm Support Drought-Smart

By Ellen Hanak

The White House has released a plan to better coordinate federal drought management at the basin scale. Improving US Department of Agriculture farm programs will be key.

blog post

Video: Policy Priorities for California’s Water

By Lori Pottinger

Expert panels discuss four key water challenges: urban drought resilience, groundwater, declining ecosystem health, and safe drinking water in disadvantaged communities.


California’s Water: Managing Droughts

By Ellen Hanak, Jay Lund, Jeffrey Mount, Peter Moyle ...

California is prone to multi-year droughts. Diverse, coordinated approaches are needed to stretch our water supply, ensure safe drinking water for at-risk communities, and protect the natural environment during dry periods. This brief describes the major effects of drought, and outlines adaptation strategies to manage them.

blog post

Video: Seizing the Drought

By Sarah Bardeen

Californians know that climate change is here—and we’re feeling its effects nowhere more than in our water system. Last week, during our fall conference, we convened three days of expert panels. Scientists, policymakers, growers, water managers, and restoration advocates laid out a compelling vision of how to prepare our water system for the changes that are already underway.

blog post

Video: Improving California’s Water Market

By Sarah Bardeen

Water trading and banking are important tools that can help California bring its groundwater basins into balance, but the expansion of the state’s water market still faces some bottlenecks, including aging infrastructure and complex regulations. Watch a panel of experts discuss what can be done.

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