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Fact Sheet

Health Care Reform in California

By Shannon McConville

Coverage expansions under the Affordable Care Act likely kept many Californians insured in 2020.


Voter Turnout in Primary Elections

By Eric McGhee

California’s new top-two primary system did not produce the increase in voter turnout that many had hoped for in 2012. But it did appear to engage independent voters. Examining primary voting trends over time, this report analyzes voter behavior and the potential impact of electoral reforms in this stage of the election cycle.

This research is supported with funding from the S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation.

Policy Brief

Policy Brief: The Political Views of Young Californians

By Eric McGhee, Jennifer Paluch, Dean Bonner, Stephanie Barton

Younger Californians take a more liberal stance on policy issues and tend to lean more Democratic than older Californians. While young Republicans are more conservative than young Democrats or independents, they are also less conservative than older counterparts across a range of topics—making younger adults less polarized in their views.


Vote-by-Mail and Voter Turnout in the Pandemic Election

Many states changed their policies to increase voting by mail and reduce the risk from COVID-19 during the 2020 election. In California, officials took extra steps to facilitate vote-by-mail and accommodate in-person voting.

blog post

Reengaging Citizens in the Initiative Process

By Mark Baldassare

California’s initiative process generally receives favorable reviews from voters, but overwhelming majorities across partisan groups say that at least some changes are needed.

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