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School Finance

By Margaret Weston

There is broad consensus that California's school finance system is inequitable, inadequate, and overly complex. In response to these critiques, this year Governor Jerry Brown proposed an overhaul of our school finance system. Also, two initiatives on the November ballot asked voters to increase education funding through tax increases: voters approved Proposition 30, which was integral to the governor's budget plan, and rejected Proposition 38, a citizens' initiative.

Despite the passage of Proposition 30, California faces many school finance challenges. This report provides an overview of the state's school finance system and outlines some longstanding school finance issues that may be in play next year.

blog post

Video: Homelessness in California’s Cities

By Mary Severance

PPIC’s Lande Ajose talks with League of California Cities CEO Carolyn Coleman, Bakersfield mayor Karen Goh, and San Diego mayor Todd Gloria about efforts cities are making to address homelessness and the most pressing challenges ahead.

Policy Brief

Policy Brief: COVID-19 Emergency Funding and California’s Higher Education Systems

By Jacob Jackson, Kevin Cook, Darriya Starr, Chansonette Buck

Just before the pandemic hit, state funding for higher education was high and increasing, student outcomes were improving, and programs for students in need were robust. COVID-19 sent shocking changes through these educational institutions’ means and methods of operating.

Policy Brief

Policy Brief: District Spending of One-Time Funds for Educational Recovery

By Julien Lafortune, Laura Hill, Niu Gao, Joseph Herrera ...

States received billions in one-time stimulus funds to help recover from pandemic disruptions to education. California allocated much of its money to districts based on their shares of low-income students, which largely targeted schools with lower achievement levels rather than greater learning loss.


Achieving Universal Broadband in California

By Joseph Hayes, Niu Gao, Darriya Starr, Amy Gong Liu

In 2021, California invested over $6 billion to expand broadband infrastructure, address affordability, and promote digital literacy. This report examines barriers to installing broadband in underserved communities and offers recommendations as the state aims to close the digital divide.

blog post

How the Census Affects State Finances

By Patrick Murphy

The census determines how billions of federal dollars are distributed to the states. California, in particular, has a lot at stake.


Federal Formula Grants: Head Start

By Tim Ransdell, Shervin Boloorian

This report examines the mechanics of the formulas that determine funding levels for California and other states for Head Start - a program designed primarily to prepare low-income children for elementary school but which also includes prenatal care and coverage for children through age 4. It also analyzes the state-by-state effects of formula-change scenarios.

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