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Dual Enrollment in California

By Olga Rodriguez, Niu Gao

Dual enrollment provides opportunities for high school students to take college courses and earn college credit. The pandemic has fueled a nationwide surge in participation, and equity-centered legislation has raised dual enrollment’s profile in California. As dual enrollment expands, state leaders can take steps to promote equitable access and outcomes.


Keeping College Affordable for California Students

By Kevin Cook, Jacob Jackson

California’s financial aid programs reduce tuition for most students. But the state and its higher education institutions can improve college access and success by providing additional aid to lower-income students, addressing growing non-tuition costs, and eliminating barriers that increase the time it takes to earn a degree.

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College Gender Gap Starts Early and Extends across Races

By Hans Johnson, Daniel Payares-Montoya, Marisol Cuellar Mejia

Along every step of the educational pathway from 9th grade to college completion, women fare better than men. The college gender gap has far-reaching consequences for young men’s economic prospects, especially for those from underrepresented racial/ethnic groups.

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College Graduates and California’s Future

By Mark Baldassare, Hans Johnson

California’s population and economy are changing, and its higher education institutions need to increase both college enrollment and completion rates.

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Video: Strengthening California’s Transfer Pathway

By Vicki Hsieh

PPIC research associate Cesar Alesi Perez presents a new report on recent trends in community college transfers, and research fellow Marisol Cuellar Mejia and a panel of higher education leaders discuss efforts to streamline the transfer process.

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California’s AAPI Community

By Eric McGhee

California is home to one-third of the nation’s Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) residents, and the state’s AAPI population is growing and highly diverse.

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Skills-based Immigration and California’s Workforce

By Joseph Hayes

The immigration plan recently announced by the White House prioritizes immigrants with higher levels of education. What might this mean for California immigration overall and for the state’s workforce?

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