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data set

PPIC Sacramento Valley GSP Supply and Demand Projects

This spreadsheet includes project and management actions data collected from 16 groundwater sustainability plans (GSPs) from the 16 Sacramento Valley groundwater basins, submitted to the Department of Water Resources in January 2022.

blog post

Creating Collaborative Recharge Partnerships in the San Joaquin Valley

By Sarah Bardeen

Bringing the San Joaquin Valley’s groundwater basins into balance by the early 2040s is going to be challenging, but two neighboring groundwater sustainability agencies (GSAs) in Madera County are collaborating to move the process forward. Learn about their successes—and how things could be improved.

blog post

Commentary: Lack of Water Is Forcing Major Changes in Valley Agriculture, New Analysis Says

By Alvar Escriva-Bou, Ellen Hanak, Josué Medellín-Azuara

Agriculture is a key driver of the regional economy in the San Joaquin Valley, but the valley faces a future with less water: our latest research finds that average annual water supplies could decline by 20% by 2040. How can the valley adjust? We found that with a few changes, valley agriculture could continue to thrive—even with a smaller footprint.

blog post

Three Lessons on Water Accounting for California

By Henry McCann, Alvar Escriva-Bou

California can learn a thing or two from our neighbors on understanding how much water is available, who has claims to it, and how much is being used.

blog post

Video: Improving California’s Water Market

By Sarah Bardeen

Water trading and banking are important tools that can help California bring its groundwater basins into balance, but the expansion of the state’s water market still faces some bottlenecks, including aging infrastructure and complex regulations. Watch a panel of experts discuss what can be done.

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