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The Recall Election and California’s Political Future

By Mark Baldassare

With the vote count for the 2021 gubernatorial recall now certified, what do the results—and the high voter engagement—say about the state of the state as well as California’s electoral landscape?


The Effect of Minority Districts and Minority Representation on Political Participation in California

By Claudine Gay

Benefiting in part from the creation of majority-minority districts—those in which minority groups constitute a majority of the voting population—California’s Latino and black congressional representatives have emerged as visible political actors in an institution traditionally dominated by whites.  Advocates argue that majority-minority districts are beneficial because they encourage more Latinos and African-Americans to participate in the political process.  Although this claim has met with considerable skepticism, so far neither the advocates nor the skeptics have offered firm evidence for or against the link between majority-minority redistricting and increased political participation.  Claudine Gay’s The Effect of Minority Districts and Minority Representation on Political Participation in California provides this evidence by investigating Latino, African-American, and white turnout rates in California’s 13 majority-minority districts.


2022 Election Preview

With one month to go before a highly consequential election, what does the political landscape look like in California and the nation? A panel of top political journalists will discuss emerging themes and issues, and assess the mood of the voters.

blog post

A Third of Californians View Both Political Parties Negatively

By Lauren Mora

With a highly consequential election year just around the corner, a growing share of Californians—now one in three--have an unfavorable view of both major political parties. Seven in ten Californians believe that a third major party is needed, an increase from four years ago.


Political Reform and Moderation in California’s Legislature: Did Electoral Reforms Make State Representatives More Moderate?

By Eric McGhee

California implemented several important election reforms at the start of this decade. Each was intended in part to promote more flexible, moderate decision-making among California’s elected officials in an era of increasingly acrimonious partisan conflict. This report looks at the moderating effect of three reforms: the shift of authority to draw legislative and congressional districts from the state legislature to an independent redistricting commission; the loosening of term limits for state legislators; and a highly open “top two” primary system.


California in the New Millennium: The Changing Social and Political Landscape

By Mark Baldassare

California in the mid-21st century is going to be very different from California today. There is every reason to expect the explosive population growth of the past 20 years to continue, fueled largely by immigration. By mid-century, Latinos will become the dominant ethnic and racial group in the state. In this book, Mark Baldassare examines three of the most powerful undercurrents altering the character of California--the public's strong and increasing distrust of politicians and the legislative process, the rapidly changing racial and ethnic mix of the state's population, and the growing diversity across its major regions.

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