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New Progress in California Water Rights Reform

By Sarah Bardeen

Many have argued that California’s water rights laws are sorely in need of modernization. Is recent legislation taking a step in that direction? We spoke with two legal experts to find out.

blog post

Testimony: Adapting California’s Water Rights System to the 21st-Century Climate

By Ellen Hanak, Brian Gray, Jeffrey Mount

PPIC Water Policy Center director Ellen Hanak and senior fellows Brian Gray and Jeffrey Mount testified before the Assembly Water, Parks, and Wildlife Committee Informational Hearing, “How Should California’s Water Right System Adapt to a 21st Century Climate?” today. Read their prepared remarks.

blog post

Homeownership Trends in California

By Hans Johnson, Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Julien Lafortune, Cesar Alesi Perez

California’s homeownership rate is among the lowest in the nation, but varies widely across the state. The share of families owning the home they live in has changed little in the past 60 years.

blog post

Brian Gray Joins PPIC Water Team

By Ellen Hanak

Brian Gray joined the PPIC Water Policy Center today as a senior fellow. He brings extensive experience in water and environmental law.


Californians and the Housing Crisis

Home values and rents in California are among the most expensive in the nation, and the state has one of the highest rates of homelessness. Californians are increasingly concerned about these issues, with more than a third saying they've considered leaving the state due to housing costs.


Keeping College Affordable for California Students

By Kevin Cook, Jacob Jackson

California’s financial aid programs reduce tuition for most students. But the state and its higher education institutions can improve college access and success by providing additional aid to lower-income students, addressing growing non-tuition costs, and eliminating barriers that increase the time it takes to earn a degree.

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