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Exploring the Potential for Water-Limited Agriculture in the San Joaquin Valley

By Caitlin Peterson, Cameron Pittelkow, Mark Lundy

As irrigated farmland comes out of production in the San Joaquin Valley, valley residents will face increased pests, weeds, and dust—as well as a loss of employment and economic activity. Water-limited cropping is one alternative to fallowing that can improve soil health and air quality, create habitat, and keep land in production.


Replenishing Groundwater in the San Joaquin Valley: 2024 Update

By Caitlin Peterson, Ellen Hanak, Zaira Joaquín Morales

How much progress has been made on groundwater recharge in the San Joaquin Valley since 2017? This report shares the details of our latest groundwater recharge survey, which we conducted in 2023.

Policy Brief

Policy Brief: Improving California’s Water Market

By Andrew Ayres, Ellen Hanak, Brian Gray, Gokce Sencan ...

This policy brief distills key takeaways from our report on water trading and banking in California, and how they will help the state bring its groundwater basins into balance under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). A broad range of policy changes could improve and expand California’s water market while protecting communities from harm.

blog post

Maximizing Benefits of Solar Development in the San Joaquin Valley

By Annabelle Rosser, Mitchelle De Leon

Solar development offers one promising way to soften the economic blow as more irrigated farmland comes out of production in the San Joaquin Valley. We met with a diverse range of stakeholders to discuss how to maximize benefits—and mitigate potential harm.

blog post

New Water Laws Address Groundwater, Marijuana

By Caitrin Chappelle, Henry McCann

Two recent bill packages took important steps toward improving groundwater management and reducing the negative environmental impacts of marijuana farming.

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