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Statewide Survey

PPIC Statewide Survey: Californians and Their Government

By Mark Baldassare, Lunna Lopes, Dean Bonner, David Kordus

Some findings of the current survey:

  • Californians are divided over Governor Brown’s budget plan—they are also split on how the state should use its budget surplus.
  • Most prefer alternatives to the governor’s plan to fund transportation infrastructure projects by raising fees and taxes.
  • Among Californians, Hillary Clinton has the highest favorability rating and Donald Trump has the highest unfavorability rating.
  • A record-high share of Californians (43%) view terrorism and security as a big problem in the state.

All Adults [PDF]
Likely Voters [PDF]

Job Approval Ratings:
President Obama [PDF]
Governor Brown [PDF]
California State Legislature [PDF]
U.S. Congress [PDF]
Senator Boxer [PDF]
Senator Feinstein [PDF]
Their Own State Legislators in the Assembly and Senate [PDF]
Their Own Representative in the U.S. House of Representatives [PDF]

Time Trends of Job Approval Ratings:
President Obama [XLS]
Governor Brown [XLS]
California State Legislature [XLS]
U.S. Congress [XLS]
Senator Boxer [XLS]
Senator Feinstein [XLS]
Their Own State Legislators in the Assembly and Senate [XLS]
Their Own Representative in the U.S. House of Representatives [XLS]

Mood of Californians:
General Direction of Things in California [PDF]
Economic Outlook for California [PDF]

Time Trends for the Mood of Californians:
General Direction of Things in California [XLS]
Economic Outlook for California [XLS]

This survey was supported with funding from The James Irvine Foundation and the PPIC Donor Circle.

Statewide Survey

PPIC Statewide Survey: Californians and Population Issues

Some findings of the current survey:

  • Californians are far more likely to say the government should not interfere with abortion access (61%) than pass more restrictions (35%), but the latter choice has risen 8 points since January 2000.
  • Births have been and are expected to be the single biggest factor in the state’s population growth, but half of Californians believe that immigration is the biggest cause.
  • Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s approval rating dropped 7 points to 33 percent but Californians give President Barack Obama a 70-percent approval rating in his first month.

This is the 95th PPIC Statewide Survey and the 2nd focusing on population issues. It is supported with funding from The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.

Statewide Survey

PPIC Statewide Survey: Special Survey on Californians and the Initiative Process

By Mark Baldassare

Some findings of the current survey

  • A majority of likely voters across age, income, education, racial and ethnic groups, and in every region of the state, oppose holding a special election this fall.
  • When asked which ballot issue was most important to them, a higher percentage of likely voters (16%) volunteered the answer “none” than named any one measure.
  • At this time, likely voters are not very enthusiastic about the three reform measures on the fall ballot that are supported by the Schwarzenegger administration:
    Proposition 74 (teacher tenure), 49% support, 42% oppose;
    Proposition 76 (spending and funding limits), 28% support, 61% oppose;
    Proposition 77 (redistricting), 34% support, 49% oppose.
  • Governor Schwarzenegger’s approval ratings are at a low point: Only 34% of state residents approve of the way he is handling his job.
  • The state legislature fares even worse, with a 27% approval rating.

This is the 58th PPIC Statewide Survey and the first in a series of three surveys focusing on Californians and the initiative process. This special survey series is funded by The James Irvine Foundation.

Statewide Survey

PPIC Statewide Survey: Californians and Their Government

By Mark Baldassare, Dean Bonner, Alyssa Dykman, Rachel Lawler

Key findings from the current survey include: Many Californians are concerned about getting COVID-19 and needing hospitalization, while one in three report job loss due to the coronavirus pandemic. Governor Newsom's approval rating is up, though Californians are split on his budget and most oppose tax increases. An overwhelming majority of likely voters support expanding vote-by-mail. Among Californians, the president’s approval rating is low but stable. Trust in the federal government remains low.

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