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COVID in California: What Have We Learned about the Economy?

This March marks the two-year anniversary of the first pandemic-related lockdowns in California. We have now endured several waves of the virus and faced numerous, shifting challenges. What lessons have emerged about our state’s economy? How can we move forward and address major concerns still facing California? Join PPIC vice president and senior fellow Lande Ajose in a wide-ranging discussion with Betty T. Yee, California State Controller.

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Special Elections Preview Fall Voting during COVID-19

By Eric McGhee, Jennifer Paluch

Two recent special elections in California provide insights into how the state might use vote-by-mail in combination with in-person options to ensure the November 2020 election is both safe and fair.

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California’s Mood Darkens on the Economy

By Dean Bonner

Even before widespread news of the omicron COVID variant and related economic fluctuations, Californians' views were divided on the state’s economic outlook.

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Essential Workers and COVID-19

By Sarah Bohn, Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Julien Lafortune

Many essential workers in health care, transportation, and other sectors are not well equipped to weather the economic challenges of the COVID-19 crisis.

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Feeding Children When Schools Are Closed for COVID-19

By Caroline Danielson, Niu Gao

With schools closed due to the coronavirus pandemic, local, state, and federal officials are taking steps to provide meals to students who usually obtain meals from their school.

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How the Pandemic Has Disrupted Food Chains

By Lori Pottinger

COVID-19 has changed what we eat and where we eat it. Dave Puglia of Western Growers explains how these changes are affecting food chains and California’s farmers.

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