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blog post

How Much Water Does Nature Need?

By Lori Pottinger

California’s water-dependent ecosystems are stressed even in normal times, and the drought has worsened conditions. An expert interview on improving water management to support native species.

blog post

A Faster Track for Ecosystem Restoration

By Lori Pottinger

The state’s rivers and aquatic species are in trouble, but restoration projects are often slowed by complex permitting requirements. We talked to Erika Lovejoy of Sustainable Conservation about efforts to simplify the process.

blog post

Beavers: The Unlikely Climate Hero

By Sarah Bardeen

Beavers were once ubiquitous in North America, but trapping and habitat loss decimated their population: there are just 10-15 million beavers in North America today. We asked a beaver restoration expert to tell us more about this unlikely climate hero and its role in restoring streams and meadows.

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