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Fact Sheet

Floods in California

By Jeffrey Mount, Gokce Sencan, Letitia Grenier

More than seven million Californians—one in five residents—live in areas at risk of flooding, and risks are growing. Improved land use planning, insurance, and innovative flood management can help.

blog post

Wildfire Smoke Is a Threat to Children’s Health

By Shalini Mustala

The average number of days per year with heavy smoke in California's air has been rising, especially in the Central Valley, Sacramento region, and far north. This poses a particular health risk for children, who are more likely to be exposed to wildfire smoke and more susceptible to its effects.

blog post

Video: Californians and Their Government

By Mary Severance

PPIC’s latest statewide survey looks at the 2020 Democratic presidential primary in California as well as residents’ views on the general direction of the state, the performance of federal and state elected officials, and other timely issues.

blog post

An Epic Snowpack May Test Water Management in the San Joaquin Valley

By Jeffrey Mount

Nothing improves our understanding of water like a “stress test”—and it’s starting to look like the San Joaquin Valley will face one this spring, when California’s epic snowpack begins to melt. This week on our blog, Jeff Mount speculates about what may lie ahead for the valley.

blog post

The Mad Dash to Save Dairy Cattle as Tulare Basin Flooded

By Caitlin Peterson, Sarah Bardeen

When low-elevation snow melted during a warm storm in March, the resulting flood in the Tulare Lake basin put 100,000 cattle and over a dozen dairy farms at risk. This week, Western United Dairies CEO Anja Raudabaugh gives us a gripping account of what happened as the lake began to refill.

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