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Video: Californians and Education

By Mary Severance

Researchers Deja Thomas and Dean Bonner discuss key findings from the latest PPIC Statewide Survey, which examines Californians’ views on the quality of K–12 public education, school funding and resources, and state officials’ handling of the K–12 system.

blog post

Kindergarten Enrollment Declines Mask Differences by Age

By Julien Lafortune, Emmanuel Prunty

Kindergarten enrollment at California’s public schools fell dramatically in 2020–21. Examining the trends for specific kindergarten ages—as well as the impact of transitional kindergarten (TK)—is key to understanding the broader decline in public school enrollment.

blog post

Video: Californians’ Views of K–12 Education

By Linda Strean

Most Californians say state funding for their local public schools is inadequate, and most favor ballot proposals likely to increase it, according to PPIC’s 12th annual survey on Californians and education.

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