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blog post

Predicting the COVID-19 Medi-Cal Enrollment Surge

By Shannon McConville

Pre-pandemic health coverage patterns in the industries hit hardest by the current downturn can help gauge how Medi-Cal enrollment might increase due to COVID-19.

blog post

Video: Health Care Access among California’s Farmworkers

By Stephanie Barton

PPIC’s Paulette Cha presents new research on how recent policy changes affected insurance coverage and access to health care for farmworkers, and discusses farmworker health with an expert panel.

blog post

Health Risks Persist for Older Farmworkers as COVID Lingers

By Paulette Cha

The aging of California’s farmworker population means greater health care needs, especially as the pandemic continues. Low-income farmworkers who are undocumented immigrants may lack access to essential services.

blog post

Reviving the Health Care Mandate: Who Pays?

By Radhika Mehlotra, Shannon McConville

As policymakers in California weigh implementing a state individual mandate, it's worth considering which Californians would bear the burden of the tax penalty and which would benefit.


Immigrants in California

California is home to nearly 10 million immigrants, accounting for almost a quarter of the foreign-born population in the US. PPIC’s research builds understanding of important immigration trends in California and key issues in immigration policy at the state and federal levels.

blog post

Expanding Health Insurance—to Jail Inmates

By David Lesher

At a recent event, PPIC researchers Mia Bird and Shannon McConville discussed how the federal Affordable Care Act provides an opportunity to help to lower costs and improve health conditions in local jails.


California’s Care Workforce

By Shannon McConville, Daniel Payares-Montoya, Sarah Bohn

State master plans on the aging population and early learning and care have prioritized workforce expansion and career pathways for care workers who provide key services to young children, older residents, and people with disabilities. A new report outlines current realities and highlights challenges and opportunities in growing this critical workforce.

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