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Labor Force Participation in California

By Julien Lafortune, Sarah Bohn, Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Jenny Duan ...

California’s labor force participation is shrinking, mainly because of an aging population. But significant gaps across demographic groups are also a concern. How can California remove barriers to work, boost participation, and build a strong workforce for years to come?


Ethnic Context, Race Relations, and California Politics

By Jack Citrin, Bruce E. Cain, Cara Wong

California’s increased ethnic diversity has generated heated controversies and complex policy debates. In Ethnic Context, Race Relations, and California Politics, Bruce Cain, Jack Citrin, and Cara Wong explore the relationship between ethnic diversity and various policy questions, including whether or not ethnicity should be used as a criterion for distributing public benefits. Focusing on the ethnic composition of a neighborhood and the racial attitudes of its residents, the authors find little evidence that these attitudes are shaped by ethnic context or that ethnic group relations are particularly troubled in diverse neighborhoods. The authors conclude that ethnic tensions in California are not preordained to increase as the state continues to cope with its changing demography.

Policy Brief

Policy Brief: Racial Disparities in Traffic Stops

By Magnus Lofstrom, Joseph Hayes, Brandon Martin, Deepak Premkumar

Our findings suggest that nighttime traffic stops for non-moving violations—especially those made by local police and sheriff departments—deserve consideration for alternative enforcement strategies. However, any changes need to be balanced against the possibility of hampering efforts to confiscate dangerous contraband, especially firearms.

Fact Sheet

Income Inequality in California

By Tess Thorman, Daniel Payares-Montoya

California’s income gap narrowed in 2022, but the disparity between high and low incomes is wider in California than in most other states. Over the longer term, income inequality has been driven by earnings growth among college-educated workers.


Racial and Ethnic Wage Gaps in the California Labor Market

By Deborah Reed, Jennifer Y. Cheng

Although California’s diversity is a major source of its strength and identity, large and persistent wage gaps across racial and ethnic groups remain a policy concern. In Racial and Ethnic Wage Gaps in the California Labor Market, Deborah Reed and Jennifer Cheng investigate these disparities. They find that wage gaps between Latinos, whites, and Asians in the state are almost completely determined by educational and occupational differences. These same factors, however, account for a smaller portion of the wage gaps between African American and white Californians. The conclusion discusses general policy directions in education, school readiness, and workforce develoment for reducing wage gaps in the long run.

blog post

Health in California Two Years into the Pandemic

By Shannon McConville, Paulette Cha

The COVID-19 pandemic not only highlighted longstanding health disparities in our state but also underscored the importance of health coverage and access to care.

blog post

Who Works from Home?

By Hans Johnson, Sarah Bohn, Eric McGhee

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a dramatic increase in remote work. We examine the demographics of remote work in California and how it varies by education, income, age, and race/ethnicity.


Higher Education and Economic Opportunity in California

By Hans Johnson, Marisol Cuellar Mejia

The pandemic and its economic impact have highlighted longstanding social inequities: low-income and less-educated workers are bearing the brunt of both the virus and the downturn. Now more than ever, policymakers and higher education leaders must find avenues for low income and underrepresented students to access the benefits of a college degree.

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