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Family Engagement Practices in California Schools

By Rebecca London

In their accountability plans, school districts must address family engagement, which can help improve academic outcomes—especially for disadvantaged students. This report identifies promising family engagement strategies from a review of 15 high-need districts in the state, noting that effective strategies are culturally appropriate and aim to support student learning at home.

This research was supported with funding from the Evelyn & Walter Haas, Jr. Fund.


Funding California Schools When Budgets Fall Short

By Julien Lafortune, Radhika Mehlotra, Jennifer Paluch

Even as districts prioritize safety amid COVID-19, they face hard choices as they try to maintain services and balance budgets. By examining district reserves and spending, this report aims to understand how the Great Recession affected K–12 funding and how prepared districts are now to manage future cuts.

Policy Brief

Policy Brief: Factors and Future Projections for K–12 Declining Enrollment

By Julien Lafortune, Emmanuel Prunty, Stephanie Barton

California counties serving higher shares of low-income, English Learner (EL), and Asian, Black, and Latino students expect greater enrollment losses in coming years. In the past, schools that closed due to falling enrollment had more low-income and EL students as well as lower test scores than the rest of the district.

blog post

Calculating High School Graduation Rates

By Paul Warren

One of the lesser known provisions of the new federal education law might force California to revise the way it deals with graduation rates at alternative high schools.

blog post

Video: Reopening California’s Schools

By Mary Severance

An expert panel discusses reopening K–12 schools across the state for in-person instruction amid concerns about equity, learning loss, and physical and mental health.

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