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PPIC Water Policy Center

The PPIC Water Policy Center spurs innovative water management solutions that support a healthy economy, environment, and society—now and for future generations.

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Safeguarding the Future of California’s Freshwater Ecosystems

By Sarah Bardeen

Climate change is transforming California’s ecosystems, threatening vital habitat for many native species. Some species may be lost, which is why former Department of Water Resources lead scientist Ted Sommer and environmental law expert Jennifer Harder are joining forces as our 2023–24 PPIC CalTrout ecosystem fellows. We recently asked them to tell us more about their new project, which could help protect wildlife as the climate changes.

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How Climate Change Drives Disaster Cascades

By Lori Pottinger

California has had a devastating series of natural disasters in recent years. We talked to Amir AghaKouchak of UC Irvine about how climate change amplifies natural hazards.

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Why Is the Delta Starving?

By Sarah Bardeen

PPIC Water Policy Center fellow James Cloern discusses his new study, which estimates—for the first time—just how much primary production the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta has lost. Can the state restore this process, which forms the base of the Delta’s food chain?

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