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Fixing the Delta: How Will We Pay for It?

By Dean Misczynski

This report examines the question of how to pay for urgently needed investments in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta. For years, stakeholders have been at odds over beneficiary financing (charging those who use the water). But recent federal intervention to save endangered fish species and the decline of state and federal funding sources may finally break the impasse. This report situates the beneficiary payment debate in historical, legal, and political context. It also explores how this kind of financing might work for several “big ticket” items: water conveyance facilities, storage reservoirs, environmental mitigation, and levee improvements.

blog post

The Great Nutrient Pollution Challenge

By Caitrin Chappelle

In excess, "nutrients” can harm the environment and our drinking water supplies. Nutrient-polluted runoff poses a major water treatment challenge for the Bay-Delta.

blog post

Reservoirs Are Full, But Let’s Not Celebrate Just Yet

By Greg Gartrell

After three very dry years, California’s reservoirs will be full again this spring. That beats the alternative, but what will it mean for water supplies over the next few years? PPIC Water Policy Center adjunct fellow Greg Gartrell does the math.

blog post

The High Cost of Fixing Levees

By Jeffrey Mount

The state’s levees are in poor shape. Upgrading them to avoid damaging floods will be very costly and will involve difficult trade-offs.

blog post

Drought Watch: Water Not Wasted to the Sea

By Jeffrey Mount

The water from the latest storm that is moving down the Sacramento River, out through the Delta, and into the Bay benefits a broad range of users.

blog post

Commentary: A Chance to Solve the Delta Quandary

By Jeffrey Mount, Ellen Hanak

Voluntary accords offer the best hope for helping the Delta’s troubled freshwater ecosystems—while continuing to allow its waters to support a healthy California economy.

Fact Sheet

Water Use in California

By Jeffrey Mount, Ellen Hanak, Caitlin Peterson

To understand California’s water, start here. Water use in California varies dramatically between wet and dry years: learn who’s using California’s water, where, and how much.

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