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blog post

Video: A High-Interest Election

By Linda Strean

This is an unusual election year, as the findings from the September PPIC Statewide Survey show.

blog post

Video: Californians and Their Government

By Stephanie Barton

Researchers Lauren Mora and Deja Thomas discuss key takeaways from the latest PPIC Statewide Survey, including Californians' views on the 2024 election, the top issues facing the state, and US involvement in the Middle East and Ukraine.

blog post

PPIC’s Role in a Changing State

By Mark Baldassare

At PPIC we are focused on monitoring and analyzing the impact of big changes underway in California and examining other steps the state can take to meet its critical challenges.


Voter Turnout in Primary Elections

About the Program
With voter turnout on the decline in California’s primary elections, the state has pursued reforms aimed at expanding the electorate. What have we learned from the new top-two primary system and other efforts? PPIC research fellow Eric McGhee will provide an overview, and a panel of leaders will discuss how to motivate more Californians to exercise their right to vote.

This project is supported with funding from the S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation.

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