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blog post

A Water Budget for the Environment

By Jeffrey Mount

California’s freshwater ecosystems are in decline and becoming increasingly vulnerable to drought. Allocating water budgets for the environment would help.

blog post

Drought Watch: What’s in Proposition 1?

By Ellen Hanak, Caitrin Chappelle

What kind of water projects will be funded if Proposition 1 passes? The bond focuses mainly on water supply, with the majority designated as matching funds for storage projects.


Managing Water and Farmland Transitions in the San Joaquin Valley

By Ellen Hanak, Andrew Ayres, Caitlin Peterson, Alvar Escriva-Bou ...

How can the San Joaquin Valley adapt to a future with less water? We’ve been researching this issue for the past seven years, and our new report presents highlights from we’ve learned, including a robust list of policy suggestions to help the valley weather—and make the most of—the coming changes.


Expanding Health Coverage in California: County Jails as Enrollment Sites

By Shannon McConville, Mia Bird

In 2014, the first year of Affordable Care Act (ACA) implementation, the number of Californians with health insurance increased substantially. However, millions of state residents continue to lack comprehensive health coverage, and those who remain uninsured are likely more difficult to enroll through traditional strategies.

In this report, we find that uninsured rates are highest for young men and for those with low levels of education, income, and employment. The prevalence of these same characteristics among correctional populations suggests that the justice system—and, in particular, county jails—may offer points of contact for many uninsured individuals who would otherwise be hard to reach.

Outreach and enrollment efforts aimed at local jail populations are set within the policy context of California’s 2011 Public Safety Realignment, which created incentives and resources for local corrections agencies to improve reentry outcomes. With expansions in access to health insurance coverage under the ACA, nearly all counties are establishing programs to provide enrollment assistance to jail inmates as part of a more comprehensive reentry strategy. But resources and capacity are limited, so it is important to identify effective models to maximize the potential of county correctional systems as sites of insurance enrollment.

blog post

Video: The Impact of Realignment on Recidivism

By Linda Strean

Public safety realignment has had a modest effect on recidivism, varying across counties and groups of offenders. These are the findings of a new PPIC report presented in Sacramento.


PPIC Water Policy Center

The PPIC Water Policy Center spurs innovative water management solutions that support a healthy economy, environment, and society—now and for future generations.

blog post

SGMA Could Bolster Habitat Restoration in the San Joaquin Valley

By Ellen Hanak, Caitlin Peterson, Abigail Hart

As growers prepare to bring land out of production in the San Joaquin Valley, we’re exploring a variety of ways to manage that newly-fallowed farmland. This week, we look at a promising potential use: transforming formerly irrigated land into habitat.

blog post

Making Federal Farm Support Drought-Smart

By Ellen Hanak

The White House has released a plan to better coordinate federal drought management at the basin scale. Improving US Department of Agriculture farm programs will be key.

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