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Video: Replenishing Groundwater in the San Joaquin Valley

By Sarah Bardeen

Groundwater recharge is one of the most promising ways to address groundwater overdraft in the San Joaquin Valley. So are we socking away enough water during the wet periods? In an event last week, we shared our latest research on the subject. Read the highlights and watch the video!

blog post

How Much Water Does Nature Need?

By Lori Pottinger

California’s water-dependent ecosystems are stressed even in normal times, and the drought has worsened conditions. An expert interview on improving water management to support native species.

blog post

Gas Prices Stretch Family Budgets

By Sarah Bohn, Daniel Payares-Montoya

California has recently seen its highest average gas price on record. Combined with higher prices in other key budget areas, rising gas prices pose a challenge for households around the state, especially those with lower incomes.

Fact Sheet

Paying for California’s Water System

By Caitrin Chappelle, Ellen Hanak, Annabelle Rosser

Most funding for California’s water system comes from local water bills and taxes. During droughts and recessions, revenues decline, making it harder for water agencies to keep up with needed investments.


Funding California Schools When Budgets Fall Short

By Julien Lafortune, Radhika Mehlotra, Jennifer Paluch

Even as districts prioritize safety amid COVID-19, they face hard choices as they try to maintain services and balance budgets. By examining district reserves and spending, this report aims to understand how the Great Recession affected K–12 funding and how prepared districts are now to manage future cuts.

blog post

What It Means to Store Water for the Environment

By Sarah Bardeen

In times of drought, California’s ecosystems often suffer. CalTrout Ecosystem Fellow Sarah Null is investigating how to better manage scarce water supplies so that the state can protect vulnerable ecosystems—even as the climate changes.

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