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blog post

Discontent with Major Political Parties Continues to Simmer

By Lauren Mora

More than one-third of Californians have unfavorable views of both the Democratic and Republican parties—a larger share than four years ago—and an overwhelming majority believe the country needs a third major party.


What to Expect from California’s New Motor Voter Law

By Eric McGhee, Mindy Romero

In 2015, California passed major legislation to increase the state’s voter rolls by simplifying the voter registration process. Under the New Motor Voter Act, the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) will electronically transmit information about DMV customers who are eligible to vote to the California Secretary of State, which will add eligible customers to the voter rolls unless they opt out.

We find that this law has the potential to significantly alter the demographic composition of the California electorate, making the population of registered voters more representative of the state as a whole. Our estimates also suggest that the new system may rapidly expand the voter rolls, adding more than 2 million new registrants in the first year.

Key implementation issues will decide the impact of the New Motor Voter Act. To ensure the law’s success, the state should require DMV customers to attest to their eligibility to vote as a precondition for completing their transaction. It will also be necessary to mobilize new registrants aggressively if they are to become new voters.

Statewide Survey

PPIC Statewide Survey: Californians and Their Economic Well-Being

By Mark Baldassare, Dean Bonner, Lauren Mora, Deja Thomas

Key findings include: A record-high 71 percent of Californians believe that children growing up in the state today will be worse off financially than their parents. Three in ten workers fear losing their jobs to new technology like artificial intelligence. A majority say that California will have bad economic times in the next 12 months; about half approve of how Governor Newsom is handling jobs and the economy.

Statewide Survey

PPIC Statewide Survey: Californians and the Environment

By Mark Baldassare, Dean Bonner, Rachel Lawler, Deja Thomas

Key findings of the survey include: Most Californians think it is very important that the state take steps now to respond to climate change, though views vary across party lines. An overwhelming majority say that extreme weather events are a problem in their part of the state. A majority believe the use of electric vehicles helps address climate change; half have seriously considered getting one, and nearly one in ten have already done so.

Statewide Survey

PPIC Statewide Survey: Californians and Their Government

By Mark Baldassare, Dean Bonner, Rachel Lawler, Deja Thomas

Our latest statewide survey finds that Prop 1 (abortion rights) and Prop 30 (emissions reduction) have majority support, while about one-third approve of Prop 27 (online sports gambling).

blog post

Video: Broadening California’s Exclusive Electorate

By Linda Strean

The divide between voters and nonvoters has particular significance in California, where voters make important policy decisions through the initiative process—and at a time when economic inequality is a major theme, Mark Baldassare told a Sacramento audience.


Equity in Voter Turnout after Pandemic Election Policy Changes

By Eric McGhee, Jennifer Paluch, Mindy Romero

To maintain voting access during the pandemic, California shifted to universal vote-by-mail for the 2020 general election, while some counties consolidated their polling places. In this new report, we examine the sometimes-contradictory impact of these reforms on turnout, especially among young voters and voters of color.


California’s Future: Political Landscape

By Eric McGhee, Dean Bonner

Most Californians support Democratic policies, but one-party control carries risks—and the demographic differences between voters and nonvoters reflect a growing economic divide.

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