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A Conversation with California’s Legislative Leadership

About the Program
What are the most pressing issues the legislature should address in the next session? The four leaders of the California Legislature—Kevin de León, president pro tem, California State Senate; Jean Fuller, Republican leader, California State Senate; Chad Mayes, Republican leader, California State Assembly; and Anthony Rendon, speaker, California State Assembly—will talk about their priorities and why these issues are important to California's future.


Women in California’s Legislature

This year’s legislative class includes the largest number of women in state history. As we celebrate Women’s History Month, we invite you to join PPIC’s president and CEO Tani Cantil-Sakauye and a panel of women leaders from California’s legislature as they share their experiences and discuss the dynamics of diversity in setting better policy for the state.

blog post

In Memoriam: Dave Cogdill

By Mark Baldassare, Ellen Hanak

A tribute to Dave Cogdill--a valued friend and trusted advisor to PPIC and a respected member of the PPIC Water Policy Center’s advisory council.

Statewide Survey

PPIC Statewide Survey: Californians and Their Government

By Mark Baldassare, Renatta DeFever, Lunna Lopes, Dean Bonner

Some findings of the current survey:

  • Governor Brown leads Neel Kashkari by 16 points in the gubernatorial election; attention to election news and enthusiasm about voting is lower than in past elections.
  • Majorities support the water bond (56% to 32%) as record-high shares say that their regional water supply is a big problem.
  • Proposition 45, which would regulate health insurance rate changes, is down 9 points since last month, but the share considering the outcome as very important is up 11 points.
  • The share of Californians with unfavorable opinions of both major parties has increased since the last presidential election.

Job Approval Ratings:
President Obama [PDF]
Governor Brown [PDF]
California State Legislature [PDF]
U.S. Congress [PDF]
Their Own State Legislators in the Assembly and Senate [PDF]
Their Own Representative in the U.S. House of Representatives [PDF]

Time Trends of Job Approval Ratings:
President Obama [XLS]
Governor Brown [XLS]
California State Legislature [XLS]
U.S. Congress [XLS]
Their Own State Legislators in the Assembly and Senate [XLS]
Their Own Representative in the U.S. House of Representatives [XLS]

Mood of Californians:
General Direction of Things in California [PDF]
Economic Outlook for California [PDF]

Time Trends for the Mood of Californians:
General Direction of Things in California [XLS]
Economic Outlook for California [XLS]

This survey was supported with funding from The James Irvine Foundation.

Statewide Survey

PPIC Statewide Survey: Californians and Their Government

By Mark Baldassare, Dean Bonner, Rachel Lawler, Deja Thomas

Key findings include Majorities of Californians across party lines support sanctioning Russia for its invasion of Ukraine, even if sanctions lead to higher energy prices. A third of Californians—and nearly half of lower-income residents—say recent price increases have caused serious financial hardship in their households. Over half of Californians are concerned about covering their housing costs, and six in ten say homelessness is a big problem in their part of the state. Partisans are divided on the need for restrictions to control the spread of COVID-19.

blog post

How Has Party Voting Changed in California?

By Eric McGhee

As part of an ongoing series celebrating PPIC's 30th anniversary, policy director and senior fellow Eric McGhee looks at shifts in Californians’ voting patterns over the past three decades.


A Conversation with California’s Legislative Leadership

What are the most pressing issues the legislature should address in the next session? Legislative leaders—Patricia Bates, Republican leader, California State Senate; Kevin de León, president pro tem, California State Senate; and Anthony Rendon, speaker, California State Assembly—will talk about their priorities and why these issues are important to California’s future.

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