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blog post

Spending on Corrections and Higher Education

By Sonya Tafoya, Sarah Bohn

California spends more on corrections and less on higher education today, in relative terms, than at nearly any point in the past thirty years.

blog post

Ready for College?

By Hans Johnson

By several measures, a large and growing share of the state’s high school graduates are ready for college-level work.

blog post

College Graduates and California’s Future

By Mark Baldassare, Hans Johnson

California’s population and economy are changing, and its higher education institutions need to increase both college enrollment and completion rates.


Higher Education in California: Expanding College Access

By Hans Johnson, Sarah Bohn, Jacob Jackson, Olga Rodriguez

Access to college is essential to California’s future growth. More California high school graduates are academically ready for college than ever before. More are applying to and enrolling in college. But many qualified applicants are still being turned away.

Policy Brief

Policy Brief: Pathways to College Completion in the San Joaquin Valley

By Hans Johnson, Olga Rodriguez, Cesar Alesi Perez, Marisol Cuellar Mejia

California’s San Joaquin Valley’s low four-year college-going and completion rates both drive and reflect the region’s challenging economic realities. The effective strategies some schools and districts use to help students succeed in their college-going pathways can be leveraged and scaled to generate dramatic improvements.


Higher Education in California: Institutional Costs

By Hans Johnson, Patrick Murphy, Margaret Weston, Kevin Cook

Over the past 20 years, in-state tuition at both the University of California (UC) and the California State University (CSU) has more than tripled. These tuition increases have led many to believe that spending in the state’s public higher education systems is out of control. However, a closer look reveals that institutional expenditures in the two systems—including faculty salaries and benefits, the largest budget category—have not increased significantly. Our evaluation of both revenues and expenditures shows that recent tuition increases have been driven by dramatic reductions in state subsidies to UC and CSU. In the past, General Fund contributions covered the majority of educational costs. Today, students (often with help from federal, state, institutional, and private grants) pay most of these costs through tuition and associated fees. Better budget data could help policymakers monitor costs and align higher education funding with state goals. But it is clear that tuition at California’s public universities has risen much more rapidly than the cost of providing higher education.

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