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Race and Diversity in the Golden State

By Hans Johnson, Eric McGhee, Carolyn Subramaniam, Vicki Hsieh

California is one of the most diverse states in the nation, but disparate outcomes persist across and within racial groups.


What to Expect from California’s New Motor Voter Law

By Eric McGhee, Mindy Romero

In 2015, California passed major legislation to increase the state’s voter rolls by simplifying the voter registration process. Under the New Motor Voter Act, the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) will electronically transmit information about DMV customers who are eligible to vote to the California Secretary of State, which will add eligible customers to the voter rolls unless they opt out.

We find that this law has the potential to significantly alter the demographic composition of the California electorate, making the population of registered voters more representative of the state as a whole. Our estimates also suggest that the new system may rapidly expand the voter rolls, adding more than 2 million new registrants in the first year.

Key implementation issues will decide the impact of the New Motor Voter Act. To ensure the law’s success, the state should require DMV customers to attest to their eligibility to vote as a precondition for completing their transaction. It will also be necessary to mobilize new registrants aggressively if they are to become new voters.


The Impact of Health Insurance on Poverty in California

By Caroline Danielson, Patricia Malagon, Shannon McConville

The Affordable Care Act has helped millions of Californians gain health insurance over the past decade. In addition to improving access to care, the ACA has increased financial well-being. This analysis focuses on the significant contribution of publicly funded health coverage—particularly Medi-Cal—to family resources across the state.

Fact Sheet

The Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta

By Jeffrey Mount, Ellen Hanak, Greg Gartrell

The Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta is California’s largest estuary and a vital hub in the state’s water supply system. Three interlinked issues currently face the Delta: an increasingly unreliable water supply, a decline in ecosystem health, and a fragile system of levees. Learn more about this key watershed in our new fact sheet.

Fact Sheet

Groundwater Recharge in California

By Alvar Escriva-Bou, Gokce Sencan, Ellen Hanak

Groundwater recharge can replenish overdrafted basins, and help California adapt to greater climate extremes.

Fact Sheet

Water and Energy in California

By Alvar Escriva-Bou, Gokce Sencan, Andrew Ayres

Water and energy are closely entwined in California: the energy sector relies heavily on water for electricity generation, and statewide water use consumes a lot of energy. Our new fact sheet illuminates the connections between these two sectors, and explores ways to make both systems more resilient in the face of climate change.

Fact Sheet

Climate Change and California’s Water

By Jeffrey Mount, Daniel Swain, Paul Ullrich

Managing water is at the forefront of climate change adaptation in California. Changes are needed to prepare the water system for a more volatile climate.

blog post

Has California’s Independent Registration Boom Ended?

By Eric McGhee

Since 2018, the overall share of independent—or "No Party Preference"—voters has undergone the sharpest reversal in 60 years of registration data. Independent registration has declined most among younger voters.

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