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California’s African American Community

By Eric McGhee

The African American community in California has never been large, but it has been vital to our state’s political, economic, and cultural history. We look at how California’s African American population has changed over time and how it is faring.


Labor Force Participation in California

By Julien Lafortune, Sarah Bohn, Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Jenny Duan ...

California’s labor force participation is shrinking, mainly because of an aging population. But significant gaps across demographic groups are also a concern. How can California remove barriers to work, boost participation, and build a strong workforce for years to come?


Unmarried Parents, Fragile Families: New Evidence from Oakland

By Maureen R. Waller

Although welfare legislation and “responsible fatherhood” initiatives seek to promote marriage and strengthen two-parent families, policymakers have little representative data on why unmarried parents in low-income communities do or do not marry.  In Unmarried Parents, Fragile Families: New Evidence from Oakland, Maureen Waller investigates factors that support or impede unmarried parents’ efforts to form stable relationships.  The report analyzes the personal and economic challenges faced by these parents, identifies factors related to the dissolution of their relationships, and considers obstacles to relationship stability among couples that stay together.  Finally, the report tests whether these obstacles were related to the marriage expectations of parents nationwide.


Employment Patterns for CalFresh Adults

By Tess Thorman, Caroline Danielson

CalFresh provides food assistance to about 4.5 million low-income Californians. While many adults who access CalFresh are working, their jobs may be temporary or unstable. Understanding changes in employment before, during, and after adults enroll in CalFresh can help policymakers and administrators better align the program with workers’ needs.

blog post

Homeless Populations Are Rising around California

By Jennifer Paluch, Joseph Herrera

Between 2020 and 2022, California’s homeless population increased by 6%. While this growth was largely concentrated in urban areas, the number of people experiencing homelessness declined in San Francisco and Orange County.

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