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Video: California Prison Programs and Reentry Pathways

By Stephanie Barton

Researcher Heather Harris discusses a new report on the rehabilitative needs of people in prison, efforts by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to expand programs to address these needs, and factors that may contribute to participation.

blog post

Video: Pathways to College Completion in the San Joaquin Valley

By Chansonette Buck

California’s San Joaquin Valley has the lowest college enrollment and completion rates in the state, yet it could be on the verge of dramatic improvements. PPIC Higher Education Center director Olga Rodriguez and a panel of experts discuss expanding support in the valley for college-going pathways.

blog post

What to Watch for in Higher Education in 2024

By Olga Rodriguez, Kevin Cook

With policymakers facing a sizeable state budget deficit, we highlight higher education issues to watch this year, including key opportunities and areas of concern.


Priorities for California’s Economy

By Sarah Bohn, Vicki Hsieh, Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Jenny Duan ...

Though California faces considerable economic uncertainty, it also has tremendous potential to overcome the obstacles ahead. Practical policy solutions to promote a robust, resilient economy should build on the skills, diversity, and innovation of Californians.


Strengthening California’s Transfer Pathway

By Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Hans Johnson, Cesar Alesi Perez, Jacob Jackson

Increasing the number of California community college students who transfer to four-year institutions is critical for creating a more diverse pool of college graduates. Despite recent progress, transfer rates remain low and racial disparities persist. Several reforms are already underway, and higher education institutions must continue to work together so more students can reach their academic goals.


Stackable Credentials in Career Education at California Community Colleges

Community colleges serve a wide range of students pursuing career education. Connecting these students to opportunities for career advancement is an important policy goal that can be furthered by stackable credentials—sequential certificates and degrees that allow students to build qualifications over time. PPIC researcher Shannon McConville will outline a recent report that looks at the link between well-designed stackable pathways and student success in the community college system.

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