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Fact Sheet

Income Inequality in California

By Tess Thorman, Daniel Payares-Montoya

California’s income gap narrowed in 2022, but the disparity between high and low incomes is wider in California than in most other states. Over the longer term, income inequality has been driven by earnings growth among college-educated workers.

blog post

Testimony: Poverty and the Safety Net

By Sarah Bohn

PPIC research fellow Sarah Bohn testified Wednesday before the Assembly Budget Subcommittee for Health and Human Services. She described recent poverty trends and the impact of anti-poverty programs in California.


Immigrants in California

California is home to nearly 10 million immigrants, accounting for almost a quarter of the foreign-born population in the US. PPIC’s research builds understanding of important immigration trends in California and key issues in immigration policy at the state and federal levels.

blog post

Commentary: An Equitable Recovery for California Requires Two Key Strategies

By Sarah Bohn, Dean Bonner, Vicki Hsieh

The current economic downturn has had an outsized impact on low-wage workers, communities of color, and women, and threatens to widen inequality. The right short- and long-term policies could help those most affected while broadening economic opportunity.

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