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blog post

Video: Californians and Education

By Stephanie Barton

PPIC’s Mark Baldassare and Alyssa Dykman discuss a new statewide survey that examines a variety of education issues, including concerns about school closures during the COVID-19 pandemic.

blog post

How Do Californians View the COVID-19 Vaccine?

By Dean Bonner

Although nearly half of Californians have gotten at least one dose, vaccine hesitancy—which varies across racial/ethnic groups and regions—continues to present a challenge in fully vaccinating the state’s population.

blog post

School Closures Hamper Monitoring of Child Welfare

By Caroline Danielson, Paulette Cha

School closures due to COVID-19 mean that educators are not able to play their critical role in monitoring students’ health, safety, and overall well-being.

blog post

Homeless Populations Are Rising around California

By Jennifer Paluch, Joseph Herrera

Between 2020 and 2022, California’s homeless population increased by 6%. While this growth was largely concentrated in urban areas, the number of people experiencing homelessness declined in San Francisco and Orange County.

blog post

Race, Health, and the Risk of COVID-19 Complications

By Daniel Tan, Paulette Cha

Heart disease, diabetes, and other conditions that increase the risk of COVID-19 complications are more prevalent among certain groups, especially Native Americans and African Americans.

blog post

Video: Californians and Their Government

By Mary Severance

PPIC’s Mark Baldassare and Rachel Lawler discuss a new statewide survey that examines Californians’ views on the coronavirus pandemic, state and federal leaders, and a range of other topics.

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