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Improving the Health of California’s Headwater Forests

By Van Butsic, Henry McCann, Jodi Axelson, Brian Gray ...

This report looks at regulatory, legal, and management reforms that can help build resilience in the state’s headwater forests and prepare them for a challenging future.


California’s Water: Water for Cities

By Ellen Hanak, Jay Lund, David Mitchell, Newsha Ajami ...

California’s urban water suppliers are adapting to an increasing population and a growing economy by diversifying supplies and reducing demand. Ongoing challenges described in this brief include managing water quality and developing cost-effective, sustainable local supplies.


Managing Wastewater in a Changing Climate

By Caitrin Chappelle, Henry McCann, David Jassby, Kurt Schwabe

California’s wastewater sector helps protect public health and the environment. It is also the source of recycled water. But climate change is bringing water scarcity and other pressures to the sector. Shifts in policy and planning can help prepare the sector for a more volatile future.

blog post

Are California’s Cities Conserving Enough Water?

By Alvar Escriva-Bou, Kurt Schwabe, Annabelle Rosser

As Californians eye the possibility of a third year of drought, there’s been some concern that urban residents are backsliding around water conservation, especially compared with the last major drought. We examine what cities are doing well—and where they could improve.

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