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Fact Sheet

Paying for California’s Water System

By Caitrin Chappelle, Ellen Hanak, Annabelle Rosser

Most funding for California’s water system comes from local water bills and taxes. During droughts and recessions, revenues decline, making it harder for water agencies to keep up with needed investments.

blog post

Video: Surplus and Shortage—California’s Water Balancing Act

By Sarah Bardeen

After three years of virtual events, our annual fall conference returned to an in-person format in Sacramento on Friday, November 18. The upshot? Good people, good food, and three vital panel discussions about managing water in California’s changing climate. Read our recap!

blog post

Video: Managing Drought in a Changing Climate

By Lori Pottinger

California’s water system isn’t prepared for growing climate extremes. A panel of experts explain how climate change will affect the system, and discuss reforms that could make it more resilient.


Replenishing Groundwater in the San Joaquin Valley: 2024 Update

By Caitlin Peterson, Ellen Hanak, Zaira Joaquín Morales

How much progress has been made on groundwater recharge in the San Joaquin Valley since 2017? This report shares the details of our latest groundwater recharge survey, which we conducted in 2023.

blog post

Drought Watch: Water for the Environment

By Jeffrey Mount, Emma Freeman

This is part of a continuing series on the impact of the drought.

Most of what we call "environmental" water is simply too remote for people to use—or is actually reused for irrigation, drinking water, or other human benefits.

blog post

Beavers: The Unlikely Climate Hero

By Sarah Bardeen

Beavers were once ubiquitous in North America, but trapping and habitat loss decimated their population: there are just 10-15 million beavers in North America today. We asked a beaver restoration expert to tell us more about this unlikely climate hero and its role in restoring streams and meadows.

blog post

Video: Seizing the Drought

By Sarah Bardeen

Californians know that climate change is here—and we’re feeling its effects nowhere more than in our water system. Last week, during our fall conference, we convened three days of expert panels. Scientists, policymakers, growers, water managers, and restoration advocates laid out a compelling vision of how to prepare our water system for the changes that are already underway.

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