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blog post

Housing Costs and Higher Education

By Hans Johnson

Higher education is not often considered part of a housing agenda, but it has played an important role in shielding many Californians from the state’s dramatic increases in housing costs.

blog post

The High School Exit Exam: What’s Next?

By Paul Warren

The California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE) is likely to be a topic of discussion in the next legislative session. The question is whether to update it so that it aligns better with Common Core, find an alternative measure, or eliminate the requirement altogether.

blog post

Year-Round Pell Grant Revived

By Sara Adan

As California’s public universities work to increase the number of students who graduate within four years, the federal government has reinstituted the year-round Pell Grant—a financial aid program that can help accomplish this goal.

Policy Brief

Policy Brief: Understanding the Effects of School Funding

By Julien Lafortune, Stephanie Barton

A wide body of recent research offers insights into how and where additional dollars to fund K–12 public schools can improve student outcomes such as test scores and graduation rates. Estimates also reveal how long it may take to close gaps by race and income, based on current trends in funding.

blog post

California Remains on Track to Close the Degree Gap

By Hans Johnson, Marisol Cuellar Mejia

Six years ago, PPIC projected a shortage of 1.1 million highly educated workers in California by 2030. Today—despite the disruptions caused by the pandemic—the state is on track to close this gap.

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