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blog post

California’s 21st Century Megadrought

By Jeffrey Mount, Michael Dettinger

California is in the midst of a decades-long drought, which mimics what climate change is expected to bring. Water management should adapt accordingly.

blog post

Paying for Forest Health Projects

By Henry McCann

State and federal leaders have agreed to vastly expand vegetation management in California’s forests to reduce wildfire risk. Is it enough to keep pace?

Fact Sheet

Droughts in California

By Jeffrey Mount, Alvar Escriva-Bou, Gokce Sencan

California is highly prone to droughts, and climate change makes them worse. This fact sheet describes key challenges to managing dry times.

Fact Sheet

Climate Change and California’s Water

By Jeffrey Mount, Daniel Swain, Paul Ullrich

Managing water is at the forefront of climate change adaptation in California. Changes are needed to prepare the water system for a more volatile climate.

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