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blog post

Geographic Variation in Poverty across California

By Tess Thorman

Poverty in California varies dramatically by region. PPIC's new interactive maps show these disparities across counties and US congressional, state senate, and state assembly districts.

California Counts, Report

Who’s In Prison? The Changing Demographics of Incarceration

By Amanda Bailey, Joseph Hayes

This issue of California Counts examines in detail the new demographics of California’s prisons. Since 1990, the number of prisoners in California has risen three times faster than the state's overall adult population, to almost 168,000 prisoners in 2005. Researchers also found that adults younger than 25 account for a declining segment of the prison population while the share of adults 50 and older has nearly tripled, and that the state’s San Joaquin Valley and Inland Empire regions contribute disproportionately to the inmate population.

blog post

Regional Action to Boost College Success

By Linda Strean

Higher education experts from Los Angeles, the Inland Empire, and the San Joaquin Valley describe their efforts to meet California’s need for college-educated workers.

blog post

Divided Views on Charter Schools and School Choice

By Alyssa Dykman

As state legislators consider a package of bills to increase oversight of charter schools, Californians’ views on charters are divided, with differences across regions and demographic groups.

blog post

How Have Californians Viewed the Pandemic?

By Dean Bonner

In the first post in a blog series reflecting on two years of COVID-19 in California, we discuss public opinion on the pandemic as it unfolded—including how views vary across different groups and regions.

blog post

California’s Mood Darkens on the Economy

By Dean Bonner

Even before widespread news of the omicron COVID variant and related economic fluctuations, Californians' views were divided on the state’s economic outlook.

blog post

Remote Work Is Here to Stay

By Deja Thomas

More than three years after the pandemic forced a major shift to remote work, more than six in ten employed adults in California say they prefer either fully remote work or some sort of hybrid arrangement. At the same time, opportunities for remote work vary widely across demographic groups and the state's regions.

blog post

Californians Continue to Favor Stricter Gun Laws

By Rachel Lawler

PPIC’s May survey—fielded prior to the shooting at a San Jose transit facility this week—finds that a solid majority of Californians favor stricter state gun regulations, a share consistent with our prior surveys.


Geography of Child Poverty in California

By Caroline Danielson, Sarah Bohn

One-quarter of young children across the state live in poverty. In inland regions, reducing child poverty requires efforts to improve job opportunities. In many coastal regions, increasing access to affordable housing will help.

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